Paswordless SSH forwarding through several hosts

TAGS: linux ssh auth

How to configure paswordless ssh with ssh-agent

  1. Obtain your private ssh key (key format doesn’t matter)
    Let’s assume we have a key “key.pem”

  2. Copy pubkey to the proxy server and the target one
    for i in 1 2; do ssh-copy-id ubuntu@$i; done

  3. Start locally ssh-agent, export connection details in shell
    eval${ssh-agent -s}

  4. Add key to your current ssh session
    ssh-add -k key.pem; ssh-add -l

  5. SSH to the Proxy (you don’t need to specify key, after step 4), configure forwarding if necessary
    ssh ubuntu@proxy
    vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
    Host $host_ip ForwardAgent yes
  6. Voila! Now you can ssh to Proxy server + 1 another server (A) + 1 (B).
    If you only want to passthrough 1 proxy server you don’t need to configure ForwardAgent option
Written on October 23, 2017


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