
TAGS: kubernetes kubespray deploy

Tips for kubespray deployment (7 nodes)

  1. On all nodes
    apt install python-minimal echo ' hostname' >> /etc/hosts
  2. On kubespray machine
    apt-get update apt-get install software-properties-common apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible apt-get update apt-get install ansible apt install python-netaddr git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray.git
  3. cd kubespray; cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster
  4. declare -a IPS=(IP1_master IP2_master2 IP3_compute1 IP4_compute2 IP5_etcd1 IP6_etcd2 IP7_etcd3)
  5. CONFIG_FILE=inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini python3 contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py ${IPS[@]}
  6. Reconfigure inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini file if needed
  7. configure inventory/mycluster/group_vars/* if needed
    all.yaml k8s-cluster.yaml Also, I recommend before deployment to look on these vars:
    cat inventory/mycluster/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
    docker_dns_servers_strict: false
    cat roles/kubernetes/node/defaults/main.yml
    kube_cadvisor_port: 4194
    If you are planning to use Calioco on virtual environment with host mtu < 1500 do not forget to correct this one too:
    cat roles/network_plugin/calico/defaults/main.yml
    calico_mtu: 1400
  8. ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.ini cluster.yml
  9. If you are experiencing timeouts, you should check that in /etc/hosts on every host exists correct localhost line. It happens cause sudo cant resolve localhost.
    for i in IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4 IP5 IP6 IP7; do ssh -x $i 'echo hostname >> /etc/hosts'
  10. If you are planning to use nfs pv, then you should to install nfs-common package on all computes/masters
    for i in IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4; do ssh -x $i 'apt update; apt -y install nfs-common'
  11. After deploy you can find your credentials in inventory/mycluster/credentials/kube_user, and kube/config on all masters
  12. If you want to change stuff in kubelets after deploying, go to /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.env and restart kubelet service
    If you want to use prometheus / grafana do stuff that mentioned in Cheats
Written on March 22, 2018


linux openstack kubernetes gluster ceph ansible docker systemctl python openshift log centos sed registry kolla kibana keepalived elasticsearch deploy cloud-init auth HA zabbix vsphere vmware venv tools swift ssl ssh scm ruby rsyslog rhel rbac rabbitmq prometheus postgres policy pgpool2 patrole pacemaker ntp nfs net mq monitoring mongo mbr lvm logstash kubespray kubeadm kolla-ansible jenkins jekyII java ironic helm heketi harbor grub github ganesha fluentd fluent-bit fio drbd diskimage-builder devstack debug deb db cisco cicd ceph-ansible calico build bitbucket benchmarking apparmor api NUMA Linux Golang Go ELK 3par