External glusterfs integration with k8s

TAGS: gluster kubernetes heketi keepalived openstack systemctl

Glusterfs cluster (replica 2) integration with k8s via heketi api


  • Two VMs in Openstack, ubuntu 16.04: test-glusterfs-1
  • glustefs version: 3.12.1
  • keepalived 1.2.19
  • kubernetes (deployed previously via rancher 1.6.9)

Our aim is to get working HA persistent storage for K8S apps

Step 1. Initial configuration of OS

run on all nodes
cat /etc/hosts localhost test-glusterfs-1 test-glusterfs-1 test-glusterfs-2

add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-3.12 apt update apt -y install glusterfs-server thin-provisioning-tools keepalived systemd service glusterd restart gluster peer probe test-glusterfs-1 gluster peer probe test-glusterfs-2 wget https://github.com/heketi/heketi/releases/download/v5.0.0/heketi-v5.0.0.linux.amd64.tar.gz tar -xf heketi-v5.0.0.linux.amd64.tar.gz cd heketi; cp heketi heketi-cli /usr/local/bin/ groupadd -r -g 515 heketi useradd -r -c "Heketi user" -d /var/lib/heketi -s /bin/false -m -u 515 -g heketi heketi mkdir -p /var/lib/heketi && chown -R heketi:heketi /var/lib/heketi mkdir -p /var/log/heketi && chown -R heketi:heketi /var/log/heketi mkdir -p /etc/heketi ssh-keygen -f /etc/heketi/heketi_key -t rsa -N '' chown heketi:heketi /etc/heketi/heketi_key* for i in 1 2; do ssh-copy-id -i /etc/heketi/heketi_key.pub root@test-glusterfs-$i; done

cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes service ssh restart


ssh -i /etc/heketi/heketi_key root@test-glusterfs-2

cp /root/heketi/heketi.json /etc/heketi/heketi.json (raw file in the end of the post) mkdir /var/lib/heketi/db /var/lib/heketi/db_mount chown -R heketi:heketi /var/lib/heketi/

Step 2. Volumes, neutron port, secgroups, keepalived

  1. Create at least 2 volumes per VM in the Openstack (4 volumes, if you have 2 vm):
    cinder create --name test-glusterfs-1-heketidb 10G cinder create --name test-glusterfs-2-heketidb 10G cinder create --name test-glusterfs-1-data 100G cinder create --name test-glusterfs-2-data 100G
  2. Attach them to instances nova volume-attach $vm1_id test-glusterfs-1-heketidb nova volume-attach $vm2_id test-glusterfs-2-heketidb nova volume-attach $vm1_id test-glusterfs-1-data nova volume-attach $vm2_id test-glusterfs-2-data
  3. Create and update neutron port for keepalived vip . openrc export OS_TENANT_NAME='K8S-Lab' export OS_PROJECT_NAME='K8S-Lab' neutron port-create --fixed-ip subnet-id=$yournetid,ip_address=$kepalivedVIP $yournetid neutron port-update $VIP_portid --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=VIP,mac_address=mac1 ip_address=VIP,mac_address=mac2 neutrom port-update $vm1_porti --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=$ip1,mac_address=vm1_mac ip_address=$vip,mac_address=vm1_mac neutrom port-update $vm1_porti --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=$ip2,mac_address=vm2_mac ip_address=$vip,mac_address=vm2_mac
  4. Create security groups in UI (convenient way)
    vrrp - 112 tcp ssh - 22 tcp heketi - 8082 tcp
    Assign all these groups to our instances (and default secgroup of course)
    Reboot instances
  5. ssh vm1 | ssh vm2 vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf (listing in the end of post) service keepalived restart ip -4 a ping $vip (it must be accessible from k8s)
    shutdown -h now instance1; ip -4 a

Step 3. LVM, Heketidb volume

run on all nodes fdisk -l /dev/vd*; (find your 10G device with fdisk, let's assume that it is /dev/vdc) pvcreate /dev/vdc vgcreate heketidb-vg /dev/vdc lvcreate -n heketidb-lv -l 100%FREE heketidb-vg mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/heketidb-vg/heketidb-lv vim /etc/fstab /dev/heketidb-vg/heketidb-lv /var/lib/heketi/db xfs defaults 0 0 mount -a
run on 1 node
gluster volume create heketidb-vol replica 2 transport tcp test-glusterfs-1:/var/lib/heketi/db test-glusterfs-2:/var/lib/heketi/db force Again, vim /etc/fstab (node 1) test-glusterfs-1:heketidb-vol /var/lib/heketi/db_mount glusterfs defaults,\_netdev 0 0 mount -a
node 2
test-glusterfs-2:heketidb-vol /var/lib/heketi/db_mount glusterfs defaults,\_netdev 0 0
all nodes
mount -a


mount | grep heketi

Mount on boot check

mount -a reboot ssh test-gluster-2 mount | grep db_mount
If you experiencing troubles with automount of a gluster volume after reboot (i belive that it happens due to a race-condition with netservice start)
you can try this options in your /etc/fstab
test-glusterfs-2:heketidb-vol /var/lib/heketi/db_mount glusterfs defaults,noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,fetch-attempts=10 0 2

Step 4. Heketi, Testing backend

run on all nodes
vim /etc/systemd/system/heketi.service (listing in the end of post) vim /usr/local/sbin/notify-heketi.sh (listing in the end of post) chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/notify-heketi.sh service keepalived restart systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start heketi.service systemctl status heketi.service (one should be active and another not (conditional))


ls /var/lib/heketi/vip (it should exist on master node only) netstat -lutpn | grep 8082 (it should listen on master node only)

run on one node
vim /etc/heketi/topology.json (listing in the end of post) export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://$keepalive_vip:8082 hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD topology load /etc/heketi/topology.json


hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD volume create --name test --size 10G --replica 2 gluster volume list hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD volume delete test


Shutdown instance with keepalived vip Check that ip now on backup server ls /var/lib/heketi/vip export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://$keepalive_vip:8082 hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD volume list hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD volume create --name test-ha --size 10G --replica 2 hekecti-cli --user admin --secret PASSWORD volume delete test-ha Power on instance 1

Step 5. Integration with K8S (all listings are in the end of post)

Install kubectl(google it), mdkir ~/.kube, vim ~/.kube/config


kubectl get po
run on the same node with kubectl
mkdir k8s vim k8s/gluster-secret.yml vim k8s/gluster-heketi-external-storage-class.yml vim k8s/glusterfs-pvc-storageclass.yml echo -n "PASSWORD" >> k8s/gluster-secret.yml kubectl create -f *;


kubectl get pvc - gluster-dyn-pvc should be BOUND

Step 6. Deploying and testing in app

run on the same node with kubectl
vim k8s/nginx-deployment-pvc.yml kubectl create -f k8s/nginx-deployment-pvc.yml kubectl get po | grep nginx-deploy kubectl describe $podname - find out compute node on which our pod is running ssh $computenode docker ps | grep nginx-deploy docker exec -it -u root $id bash for i in {1..1000000}; do sleep 1; echo `date` >> /usr/share/nginx/html/omaigod; done
Now, while this shit is executing, we could shut off/reboot any glusterfs instance
after some time, check this file in container:
cat /usr/share/nginx/html/omaigod

Step 7. Benchmarking glusterfs

cat generate.sh cat generate.sh for i in $(seq 1 $NUMBER); do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$TARGET/file_$i bs=$SIZE count=$COUNT 2>&1 | grep -v records done

Creating 10240 files of 100k

export NUMBER=10240 export COUNT=1 export TARGET=pwd/100k export SIZE=100K sh generate.sh > 100k.log

Creating 1024 files of 1M

export NUMBER=1024 export TARGET=pwd/1M export SIZE=1M sh generate.sh > 1M.log

Creating 100 files of 10M

export NUMBER=100 export TARGET=pwd/10M export SIZE=10M sh generate.sh > 10M.log

Creating 10 files of 100M

export NUMBER=10 export COUNT=100 export TARGET=pwd/100M export SIZE=1M sh generate.sh > 100M.log

Creating 1 file of 1G

export NUMBER=1 export TARGET=pwd/1G export SIZE=1M export COUNT=1024 sh generate.sh > 1G.log


cat 1M_root.log | awk '{print $8}' | awk '{a+=$1} END{print a/NR}' > 1M_root.result


gluster heketi storage class nginx-deployment-pvc.yml

Written on October 11, 2017


linux openstack kubernetes gluster ceph ansible docker systemctl python openshift log centos sed registry kolla kibana keepalived elasticsearch deploy cloud-init auth HA zabbix vsphere vmware venv tools swift ssl ssh scm ruby rsyslog rhel rbac rabbitmq prometheus postgres policy pgpool2 patrole pacemaker ntp nfs net mq monitoring mongo mbr lvm logstash kubespray kubeadm kolla-ansible jenkins jekyII java ironic helm heketi harbor grub github ganesha fluentd fluent-bit fio drbd diskimage-builder devstack debug deb db cisco cicd ceph-ansible calico build bitbucket benchmarking apparmor api NUMA Linux Golang Go ELK 3par