Prometheus Federation for OpenShift clusters

TAGS: openshift linux ansible prometheus


Mission: Deploy standalone Prometheus instances for pulling metrics from several OpenShift clusters.


Deployed OpenShift clusters with Prometheus cluster operators.
2 VM for prometheus/alertmanager/executor/grafana #8 cpu, 24ram, 400hdd


ssh vm yum install -y docker
vim /etc/systemd/system/docker.prometheus
vim /etc/systemd/system/docker.grafana

Main config for polling several OpenShift clusters (of course, endpoints should be resolvable)
vim /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

Setup rule for InstanceDown
vim /etc/prometheus/rules/down.rules

Alertmanager configuration
vim /etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml

Also in case of oauth proxy in OpenShift, you need to create special user for monitoring and get it bearer_token:
vim user.yml
kubectl create -f user.yml kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep prom-fed | awk '{print $1}')
Paste output of data field of non-temporal token in prometheus.yml, where its needed.

Restart all services, check that prometheus:9090/targets good

That’s it!

Written on March 26, 2019


linux openstack kubernetes gluster ceph ansible docker systemctl python openshift log centos sed registry kolla kibana keepalived elasticsearch deploy cloud-init auth HA zabbix vsphere vmware venv tools swift ssl ssh scm ruby rsyslog rhel rbac rabbitmq prometheus postgres policy pgpool2 patrole pacemaker ntp nfs net mq monitoring mongo mbr lvm logstash kubespray kubeadm kolla-ansible jenkins jekyII java ironic helm heketi harbor grub github ganesha fluentd fluent-bit fio drbd diskimage-builder devstack debug deb db cisco cicd ceph-ansible calico build bitbucket benchmarking apparmor api NUMA Linux Golang Go ELK 3par