Monitoring Process Resources Usage With Standard Linux Tools

TAGS: monitoring linux systemctl


Mission: Implement simple process usage monitoring via linux tools Case: Investigate huge rss(30+GB)/cpu usage in openstack-exporter


  • CentOS 7.6 VM with systemd


We will monitor usage via simple bash script with ps/awk utils and print it to log file. Script will be started via systemd.time


SSH to target host and begin

vim /etc/systemd/system/os_exporter_usage_mon.service
``[Unit] Description=OpenStack Exporter usage monitor

[Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ Type=simple


vim /etc/systemd/system/os_exporter_usage_mon.timer
[Timer] OnUnitActiveSec=15m Unit=os_exporter_usage_mon.service

vim /usr/local/bin/
#!/bin/bash set -x LOG=/var/log/os_exporter_usage_mon.log echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG echo "Current date: $(date +%d.%m) $(date +%H:%M:%S)" >> $LOG echo "USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME" >> $LOG echo "$(ps axuf | grep openstack_expo | grep -v grep | cut -d'/' -f1)" >> $LOG

Change mod
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/

And restart everything
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart os_exporter_usage_mon.timer systemctl restart os_exporter_usage_mon.service systemctl enable os_exporter_usage_mon.service


cat /var/log/os_exporter_usage_mon.log

Written on December 17, 2019


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