Deploying Kolla Openstack release Train with Ironic on 1 baremetal node

TAGS: kolla openstack ironic centos swift docker registry


Mission: Deploy Openstack Kolla (release Train) with Ironic on 1 baremetal node with installed CentOS 7.
Why not Bifrost: We need all core openstack services (like nova/glance/neutron etc) and ability to use this baremetal node not only as Ironic controller but as normal AIO environment for infra instances (like nexus/gitlab/jenkins/etc vm’s).
Why Train: Right now (end 2019/beginning of 2020 ) we usually deploy release Stein. But Ironic Stein have some bugs like So we decided to go with Train instead ;)


  • Baremetal server with preinstalled OS (I use centos 7.8); Of course you can use a VM instead of baremetal. But keep in mind that AIO functionality requires a lot of resources (cpu/ssd/ram/etc..);
  • Internet or private registry/repositories with all images/packages;


  • Install packages via yum like docker-ce/virtualenv;
  • Create venv;
  • Install a lot of pip stuff in venv;
  • Install kolla/kolla-ansible in venv;
  • Build images on remote machine;
  • Copy registry with images from remote machine to dest node;
  • Configure kolla’s ymls;
  • Configure disk/disks/partitions for Swift;
  • Change Swift task with hardcoded partition (If you don’t have a dedicated device for Swfit, overwise use community’s swift preparation instruction);
  • Configure rings for Swift;
  • Bootstrap / Deploy /Post-deploy;

Packages installation

curl -o python yum -y install git gcc libattr-devel.x86_64 python-devel.x86_64 #mostly for further installation of openstack's clients pip install virtualenv


virtualenv /opt/venv source /opt/venv/bin/activate

Building images on remote machine

Optional step. Plan is to build images on a machine with a good internet connection, run locally docker registry, push images to it and export result registry container with all images to target host from which kolla will be deployed. Machine OS is CentOS7.
cd /opt curl -o python yum -y install git gcc libattr-devel.x86_64 python-devel.x86_64 pip install virtualenv virtualenv /opt/kolla_train cd /opt/kolla_train git clone -b stable/train git clone -b stable/train cd kolla-ansible pip install -r requirements.txt #I hope that you do all of this in virtual env) pip install ./ cd ../kolla pip install -r requirements.txt pip install ./ pip install tox tox -e genconfig cp -r etc/* /etc/ vim /etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf #[DEFAULT]/regex - change it accordingly to your needs (I use regex: "regex = "fluentd|nova-.*|ironic-.*|neutron-.*|glance-.*|placement-.*|heat-.*|horizon|keystone-.*|swift-.*|openvswitch-.*|kolla-toolbox|mariadb|haproxy|dnsmasq|cron|iscsid|memcached|rabbitmq|keepalived|chrony"" for all needed images) kolla-build
Now, run local docker registry and push there all builded images
docker run -d -p 5002:5000 --restart always --name kolla-registry registry:2

Next, you can copy docker registry volume dir to your dest host with kolla-ansible and run local registry there
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/ tar -cjf $ID.tar $ID scp $ID.tar root@$DEST-HOST-IP: ssh root@$DEST-HOST-IP docker run -d -p 5002:5000 --restart always --name kolla-registry registry:2 docker inspect kolla-registry | grep volume #memorize ID docker stop kolla-registry yum install -y bzip2 #just in case tar -xf $ID.tar mv $ID/_data/* /var/lib/docker/volumes/$CURRENT_VOL/_data/ docker start kolla-registry
Okay, now we have registry on right node with all images in place.

Git repos

cd /opt git clone -b stable/train git clone -b stable/train cd kolla-ansible pip install -r requirements.txt #I hope that you do all of this in virtual env) pip install ./ cd ../kolla pip install -r requirements.txt pip install ./ pip install ansible==2.8 #I used this version for queens - train releases


Next, we need to configure globals.yml and inventory file;
We will use default all-in-one inventory and enable/disable services deployment via globals.
cp -r /opt/kolla-ansible/etc/* /etc/ kolla-genpwd vim /etc/kolla/globals.yml

Swift stuff

Partition workaround

!!!WARNING!!! If you have a dedicated device for swift - use community docs instead - !!!WARNING!!!

First of all, it’s sad but all I had was 300+ free space on the single sda disk.
So I needed to create a new partition on this disk named and labeled it and everything should go fine.
Kolla’s instruction doesn’t presume this case, and I didn’t managed to name partition correctly (not just to label it).
So I workarounded this problem with little hardcode in Swift ansible task (hate this but I was really-really short of time and it was holidays after all)
So let’s begin with a new partition and xfs filesystem:
fdisk /dev/sda n p 2 3145730048-3904897023 3904897023 w
Create xfs:
mkfs.xfs -f -L 'KOLLA_SWIFT' /dev/sda2
Now we hardcode our sda2 device in swift lookup task:
blkid | grep sda2 #get UUID
vim /opt/venv/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/swift/tasks/start.yml
#pay attention to first 30 lines

Ring creation

Again and again. Kolla-ansible still doesn’t capable to create Swift rings on itself.
It’s time for the BASH
I created script file for this purpose. I used this instruction and changed there some numbers (AIO with one partition):


Get images

mkdir /etc/dt-1/ironic cd /etc/dt-1/ironic wget ironic-agent.initramfs wget ironic-agent.kernel


#Be carefull with the path - do not paste configs in config dir)
vim /etc/kolla/dt-1/ironic.conf ironic.conf
vim /etc/kolla/dt-1/ironic-inspector.conf


cp /opt/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/all-in-one /etc/dt-1/ kolla-ansible -i /etc/dt-1/dt-1.inv deploy kolla-ansible -i /etc/dt-1/dt-1.inv post-deploy


First of all, its possible that swift containers will get “permission denied” from mounted storage (you can check this in /var/log/kolla/swift/.. log after object container creation (openstack container create test)). In that case, do:
chmod 777 -R /srv/node/ #wrong permissions for swift docker ps | grep swift | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 docker stop docker ps -a | grep swift | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 docker start mount | grep sda2
Second, Kolla doesn’t do swift temp-url for glance. Hence, if you try to deploy node via baremetal service, you will get ‘An auth plugin is required to determine endpoint URL’ (bug: To fix it you need to configure swift endpoints in ironic-conductor and configure temp-url key in swift ironic account:
Get account info:
source code/openrc-dt1 export OS_PROJECT_NAME=service export OS_USERNAME=ironic export OS_PASSWORD=pass openstack object store account show
Set temp-url key:
source code/openrc-dt1 export OS_PROJECT_NAME=service export OS_USERNAME=ironic export OS_PASSWORD=B5OnAJHYoRq1OuCy5rgUtAODidBTuQyaUQAi8PaR openstack object store account set --property Temp-Url-Key=0e827e0e497dc06dc35e8000
Fill this data in ironic-conductor conf:
vim /etc/kolla/ironic-conductor/ironic.conf
bash [glance] swift_account = AUTH_e75374a7e3b14b2f9c4e9c9ec4f7119a swift_api_version = v1 swift_container = glance swift_endpoint_url = swift_temp_url_key = 0e827e0e497dc06dc35e8000
Restart all ironic containers:
docker ps | grep ironic | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 docker restart

other stuff (optional)

Reconfigure env

kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/dt-1.inv reconfigure --tags ironic

Deploy only one service

kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/dt-1.inv deploy --tags mariadb,nova

Written on January 4, 2020


linux openstack kubernetes gluster ceph ansible docker systemctl python openshift log centos sed registry kolla kibana keepalived elasticsearch deploy cloud-init auth HA zabbix vsphere vmware venv tools swift ssl ssh scm ruby rsyslog rhel rbac rabbitmq prometheus postgres policy pgpool2 patrole pacemaker ntp nfs net mq monitoring mongo mbr lvm logstash kubespray kubeadm kolla-ansible jenkins jekyII java ironic helm heketi harbor grub github ganesha fluentd fluent-bit fio drbd diskimage-builder devstack debug deb db cisco cicd ceph-ansible calico build bitbucket benchmarking apparmor api NUMA Linux Golang Go ELK 3par