Deploying ceph-ansible release Nautilus (bluestore dedicated)

TAGS: linux ceph ansible ceph-ansible


Mission: Deploy ceph-ansible for further Openstack deployment. 3 hosts with collocated mons and osds.


3 VM Ubuntu 18 (for test, 4 cpu/4ram/2 osd150GB + 1 osd10GB/2 network interfaces(data net and mgmt one))
Deployment VM Ubuntu 18 (1 cpu/1ram/30GB)


Prepare deployment host

SSH to deployment VM and begin:
cd /opt git clone cd ceph-ansible git checkout stable-4.0 #or you can use any tag, like v4.0.5 apt update; apt -y install virtualenv virtualenv /opt/venv source /opt/venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Also, you need to configure group_vars/osds.yml group_vars/all.yml:
cd /opt/ceph-ansible/
vim group_vars/osds.yml (Pay attention to partition/device setup)
vim group_vars/all.yml

Prepare target hosts

  1. Configure all network interfaces (for data plane and control)
  2. Install python-minimal
  3. Configure passwordless access from deploymen VM
  4. You need either raw block devices or configure VG (pvcreate,vgcreate..) for OSD’s
  5. If you want to use raw block devices, you need to create partitions there via gdisk or analog.

So, lets start.

Configuration of interfaces

cat /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: ens160: addresses: [ ] gateway4: nameservers: addresses: - "" ens192: addresses: [ ]
netplan apply

Install python-minimal

apt update; apt -y install python-minimal

Configure passwordless access

ssh-keygen; cat /root/.ssh/ (copy in buffer)
echo $(key) >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Prepare hosts file

cat hosts



Check existing block devices

ansible -m shell -a 'lsblk' -i hosts '*'

Configure partitions on devices

We will use sdb and sdc disks as data osd, and sdd(two partitions, each 5GB) as db/wal device for osd: ansible -m shell -a 'apt update; apt -y install gdisk' -i hosts '*' ansible -m shell -a '(echo n;echo p;echo 1;echo;echo;echo;echo w;echo Y) | gdisk /dev/sdb;(echo n;echo p;echo 1;echo;echo;echo;echo w;echo Y) | gdisk /dev/sdc;(echo n;echo p;echo 1;echo;echo 10485743‬;echo;echo w;echo Y)| gdisk /dev/sdd;(echo n;echo p;echo 2;echo;echo;echo;echo w;echo Y) | gdisk /dev/sdd' -i hosts '*'

Check existing block devices

ansible -m shell -a 'lsblk' -i hosts '*'


cd /opt/ceph-ansible cp site.yml.sample site.yml ansible-playbook -vv -i hosts site.yml

If something goes wrong

Ad-hoc commands:
Wipe all devices (ceph):
ansible -m shell -a 'ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdb --destroy;ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdc --destroy;ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdd --destroy;' -i hosts '*'
Wipe all partitions:
ansible -m shell -a "(echo d; echo w; echo Y)| gdisk /dev/sdb;(echo d; echo w; echo Y)| gdisk /dev/sdc(echo d; echo w; echo Y)| gdisk /dev/sdd;" -i hosts '*'


At some point, after multiple deploys/wipes, I got an environment with 2/6 osds are being down. Fix was pretty simple - reboot.
Also, I didn’t manage to deploy block.db/wal for several disks to one partition (though it was easy accomplished with ceph-ansible version 3…)

Written on December 6, 2019


linux openstack kubernetes gluster ceph ansible docker systemctl python openshift log centos sed registry kolla kibana keepalived elasticsearch deploy cloud-init auth HA zabbix vsphere vmware venv tools swift ssl ssh scm ruby rsyslog rhel rbac rabbitmq prometheus postgres policy pgpool2 patrole pacemaker ntp nfs net mq monitoring mongo mbr lvm logstash kubespray kubeadm kolla-ansible jenkins jekyII java ironic helm heketi harbor grub github ganesha fluentd fluent-bit fio drbd diskimage-builder devstack debug deb db cisco cicd ceph-ansible calico build bitbucket benchmarking apparmor api NUMA Linux Golang Go ELK 3par